martes, 26 de agosto de 2014

The Ice Bucket Phenomena.

You know what, I'm feeling rather pissed off. I'm not pissed off because people don't pay enough attention to other causes as much as they're doing it now to ALS, but pissed off that some people seem to find it negative that one illness is getting more publicity than the other. WHY on earth is it negative that there's an issue gone viral, when it's for a good cause? WHY are you complaining?

"Why isn't xxx illness getting this kind of attention?"

Well, fuck, who knows, maybe next time it's your turn. Maybe next time the world will care about the illness close to your heart. But this time, and only this time, for a few weeks, I am SO INCREDIBLY happy that the world is paying attention to ALS. Why am I happy about it? Because my brother has a very similar sickness that's treated almost in the same way as this so giving more attention to it, subsequently gives attention to the other types of sclerosis.

Now, if you have a problem with that, from the bottom of my heart, go FUCK yourself.

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